Oh my word. I think I'm in love... with centers work stations!
I just recently got this book
And it's revolutionizing my work stations.
This is what I've been looking for!
I've only had time to skim and read small portions, but I'm getting it going in my room. After Christmas break I had already implemented a work chart as she seems to promote. It's working out pretty well.
My room is too small to have lots of different spaces, but I just made a cubby organization, which I think will still work nicely with her philosophies.
This week I'm going to model a little more how to work with a partner on handwriting, and this Thursday the handwriting work station will be introduced! Hooray! :)
I'm also hoping to get a Science Work station in there too - I love it! Another way to integrate science and social studies!
The best part?
These stations don't have to be completely changed every week! Less preparation on my part, less confusion for the kids, and more learning and practice to boot!
Sounds great to me, right?